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  1. P

    IFS - Improved firearm sounds

    VERSION V1 Hello avid Saints row 2 players! Ever played saints row and you weren't satisfied with the gun sounds? Fear no more! IFS is a W.I.P mod to replace all the weapon sounds in Saints row 2 with more realistic counterparts, so gunfights sound a bit more realistic and "impactful". So...
  2. P

    Gun sound modifying makes all guns silent

    As the title suggests, I've been attempting for hours on end now and if there's something I hate a lot, is when a game refuses to be modified, I've been trying to modify the gun sounds for hours now yet every time I make a new XWB with my gun sounds and import it through GOTR's insert your own...
  3. P

    Saints Row 2: Extracting and Replacing audio

    Attempted to mod my weapon sounds. Mysteriously, all my weapon sounds went dead silent. Any clues as to what went wrong? Using audacity as my wav editor, and I saved the wav's as 16bit aswell.
  4. P

    Tutorial request, not mod request as such.

    Didn't exactly know where to post this but, could someone make a sound modification tutorial that's a bit more clear? I've attempted to follow the tutorial N69 wrote and I did it down to a T (As far as I'm concerned, however I used audacity instead to edit my files, it being a editor I'm more...