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    Removing Automatic Vertical Camera Adjustment (Plus a Question About Modding Dubstep Gun)

    So, I went through about 50 troubleshooting pages to ensure no one had asked this question before. I'm working on making a camera mod for SR4 that's similar to my mod for SR3. The only thing I'm struggling to figure out now is how to remove the automatic vertical camera adjustment that occurs...
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    Wwise 2012 DL Broken

    I was able to download the file through mobile and then just move it to my PC. Not sure what the issue was when downloading from PC. So it seems that the DL isn't broken, but for some reason I just wasn't able to initiate the download from my PC. Maybe it's the browser I'm using. Sorry if this...
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    Wwise 2012 DL Broken

    Hey all, So, I've recently been looking into making a mod for the Dubstep gun, and I see that it requires Wwise 2012.2 build 4419. When I went to the download page linked in the SRMods forum, it appears that even after accepting the license agreement the download does not initiate. I've spam...
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    Close Cinematic TPS Camera Mod

    Nice screenshots! I see what you mean. It does actually give some nice angles between characters. That's a really cool side effect I hadn't really expected :D I also forgot to mention that I mostly adjusted the X, Y, and Z dist values more than the lookat offset values, although I did tweak...
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    Close Cinematic TPS Camera Mod

    Yes, there are different values for outside standing and crouching, inside standing and crouching, standing/crouch aiming, and sprinting. Z and Y values appear to work together in some ways. You would think that Y value would only adjust the Y axis of the camera, but it also seems that lowering...
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    Close Cinematic TPS Camera Mod

    Awesome! Definitely drop a link, I'd be curious to see the videos you make using this!
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    Close Cinematic TPS Camera Mod

    Greetings! This is a simple camera mod I've been working on for the past few days, which may continue to be updated over time. This is technically a heavily modified version of Uzi's version of Better Camera Mod...