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  1. Zinbean

    ZJ's art drop

    Welcome to my thread! I'll just leave a big dump of my artwork here. I do have watermarks on my work, but I am considering changing it to fit my online presence better. Anyways, enjoy! Zindor ZinkisZinlovGhost LinZinyak x Zinkis
  2. Zinbean

    Zin homie(Zinjai+Zinyak) and zin outfits from SR IV

    Just a quick request I'm hoping can be done in the future. I'd like to see the Zinyak, male zin, female zin outfits ported into the reboot, the Zinyak outfit coming as a head and body separately like it is in Saints Row IV. On top of that, I'd also like to see Zinjai, Zinyak, or both NPCs ported...
  3. Zinbean

    Saving problem

    No problem and good luck!
  4. Zinbean

    Saving problem

    What I did was manually uninstalled the game by completely clearing out the directory and unsubbing from workshop mods. I finally uninstalled the game after that then reinstalled it for a fresh directory. I then just started a new save. It's a bit annoying though, because having to reinstall...
  5. Zinbean

    Saving problem

    Hello. I'm in need of any suggestions/help to fix a problem I'm having with my game. Recently, I installed the gang customization enhancement mod and noticed my game was having issues that it didn't before. I don't intend to sound like I'm blaming the mod. Anyways, I uninstalled the mod and was...
  6. Zinbean

    Enhanced Gang Customization - VERSION 2.0 is out! Now with Zin Saints!

    I know this is an old mod, but I just tried it. For me, The Saints Wing/Hail to the Chief didn't hang, just the Christmas DLC crashed my game. Just thought I'd let you know.