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    Saints Row 2 Night view Main Menu

    I tried installing this after having the SRTT main menu background but I can’t get the SRTT background to disappear and have this background I’ve done what you said and the only thing I’ve gotten is a black screen with the title of the game any advice to fix this?
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    Compilation SR1 Gameplay Mod

    any news on getting more things for his mod working? ive been finding the best mods i can into the game to make it even better than it already is,
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    Animations Maybe somehow?

    I was just thinking maybe there's a way to put the walk animation from 1 into 2. They have the cell phone walk in the gotr mod so maybe there's a workaround to get the actual walk from the first game?
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    Animations Sr1 style crouch

    is it possible for someone to make the crouch style that of SR1? kinda of like how all the cops crouch in sr2, maybe just a singular change without it interfering with other mods?
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    NOVA SPE 23

    Don't worry about it I had to download 7zip to extract bc the rar was broken
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    NOVA SPE 23

    I'm trying to download this but it keeps saying the format is broken or unrecognizable. I realize this has been around a while. But I need help.