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  1. ThomasDe_33

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

    wow, it really is +1 in the name. so many fixes and upgrades. thank you
  2. ThomasDe_33

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

    @-SeaboundSaint- you can expand your works now 😁
  3. ThomasDe_33

    Female Player Animations+ (FPA+)

    quick question: does skateboarding animation from this mod apply to male character as well? and will it cause any problem like skateboarding mod in GoTR or F13's Skating emote mod? (in this case being the skateboarding sounds remain even when the action stops or even play on top of each other)
  4. ThomasDe_33

    Female Player Animations+ (FPA+)

    glad that after the old guards (Mike Watson, Masamaru, and a few others) have either rested or gone, we got a new and passionate modder who contributed not only in quantity but in quality as well, to SR2 mods. thank you very much
  5. ThomasDe_33

    GotR Preload Fixes

    sorry for my computer illiteracy. would replacing "cigarette" with "softdrink" mean no one (both our character and npc) can smoke (or do any action resembling smoking, or no more cigarette appears on hand" anymore?
  6. ThomasDe_33

    Overhauled Stilwater

    the unlimited rocket idk how to mod without GoTR, but the change colors on clothes at crib would be SuperUI I think and no need to say sorry, I understand
  7. ThomasDe_33

    Overhauled Stilwater

    you can build a vanilla patch from GoTR. just press v and enter to build one or you can try using SR2ModManager
  8. ThomasDe_33

    ReFabricated: Clothing Texture Patch

    maybe I am weird, but for the white color shirt (both for character and for the cops in cutscene), as well as the jeans, I prefer the original looks, they look like real clothes I would see irl, the rest however are outstanding with the new looks, especially the hawaiian shirt, bulldog jacket...
  9. ThomasDe_33

    Do we have a mod to change time of day on Saints Row 3?

    Like the title said. Tried Super Ethical Mod 4.0's optional and somehow on sunny state the world was covered in purple shade of light instead of normal sunlight. Was wondering if we have another mod for it? (Sandbox+ is said to break the game, so I don't want to risk it) Same thing for the...
  10. ThomasDe_33

    We have a favicon now!?

    didn't realize it until you pointed out, but yeah before each game has all sections, but now each section has all games, it is reversed, but for the better.
  11. ThomasDe_33

    Character Customization i guess there's no breast jiggle mod, not like original

    your prayer has been answered:
  12. ThomasDe_33

    Which visual mods to use for SR2?

    is this the one that also includes change to main menu's screen? I looked at some of his recently and they are really nice thanks for the detailed answer. my god the spring season mod looks beautiful on an already lively Stilwater. and the other 2 are nice for the occasions.
  13. ThomasDe_33

    How To Properly Cheat In Trail Blazing

    wow, these make me realize that thinking outside of the box is fun. nowadays Rockstar's handholding and "realism" just sucked the fun out of doing things differently. if only I can be as creative as an average person can think :sadge:
  14. ThomasDe_33

    Nudist Woman

    is this for SR3 old or remastered?
  15. ThomasDe_33

    Gentlemen of the Row

    put your personal mods' files (not folders, the files themselves) into optional_mod_stuff->1.MODDERS_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE and run GoTR. press p to build the custom mod patch, look into MY_CUSTOM_PATCH folder, copy all files from there into the game folder, done
  16. ThomasDe_33

    SR2 Saints Row 2 Mega Patch isn't coming :(

    the IP is stuck at DS, which means at the hand of Embracer. unless you got 2 billion dollars that they couldn't get which is what led them to burn Volition to the ground, I doubt they will release it and sell it to anyone else who love and cherish the IP
  17. ThomasDe_33

    Made 2 Measure: Seabound's Clothing Patch

    no need to apologize, you are the most active and passionate modder recently, in a game that is 16 years old and that the community is dwindling. it is nice to have you contribute in lots of new details, functions, QoL to the game and make it better
  18. ThomasDe_33

    Made 2 Measure: Seabound's Clothing Patch

    I haven't used the mod yet because I know there will be updates, but will the mod ever be able to play on an existing save? or it has to be a new game? :sadge:
  19. ThomasDe_33

    Made 2 Measure: Seabound's Clothing Patch

    oh, I see. checked the folders and your instructions and they are now cleared for me. thank you