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  1. E

    Saints Row 2 Monkey Patch Project

    There's at least three more, I'll attach some vanilla(-ish) 4:3 screenshots of 'em. Interestingly, Scanti's OpenSpy Patch-only version also has the same effect on all 6 of these.
  2. E

    Saints Row: The Collection - By: XB36Hazard [Save Editor]

    This was stealth updated in February of the present year to version No clue what's new or different in it at a glance. I wish it let you choose where to save the launcher/editor(s)/save backups, if only to have them not occupy space in a partition with an OS in it or to be more easily...
  3. E

    Saints Row 2 Monkey Patch Project

    The ad and telemetry removal results in the game no longer fetching generic Ultor billboards to paste on the relevant areas' textures, which leads to them becoming bizarre windows into the game's skybox. I'm sure there's a performance boost as a result, but it might be considered ugly for some...
  4. E

    Looking for phone numbers displayed in-game

    I'm aware what the numbers themselves are- it's the only thing about them that's been documented and spread every which way on the internet (I'd already checked and subsequently posted in that Fandom wiki's article's talk page to no response- the only apparent active user there is obsessing over...
  5. E

    Looking for phone numbers displayed in-game

    Does anyone know if and where the phone numbers for Stilwater's Police Dept., Pimps 'R Us, Wardill Airport, ¢ocks, Forgive and Forget's working one, Legal Lee's offices, Rusty's Needle, Spelunkers, the Suicide Hotline, Tee'N'Ay, and Ultor Security can be found in-game? Every other possible phone...