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  1. Heiroum

    NPC Behaviour and Spawn Mod

    With the last version Shaundi doesn't appear on the ship, During quests where I have to report back to her there isn't any marker locating her. During the kinzie gambit mission, she doesn't appear either on the ship nor on the cutscenes taking place on it. Once I uninstalled the mod the problem...
  2. Heiroum

    Gentlemen of the Row

    I understand that SR2 isn't the best PC port to exist, and accept that the game crash. But Last time I played I remember I could at least use shops and play more than 15 minutes before it crashed. I was hoping there was something more I could do to make it playable this time.
  3. Heiroum

    Gentlemen of the Row

    Hi, I recently reinstalled SR2 and wanted to play with GOTR but I'm facing problems. I keep crashing in many occasion, I had to disable AA just to be able to use the character creator and after that I often crash in shops, when finishing spraying a tag and even get some random crash when...