Well if you know such a SRIV mod that actually makes them attack you and a full on zombie outbreak then, please go ahead and share it. I'm sure we'd all like to use both.
One thing why are they homies? This mod is nice but why can't you make it so it's an actual zombie apocalypse where the whole city has zombies (slow zombies). Make them enemy npc's with the correct sounds. It looks like it's possible.
Just seems rushed to me. Sort of thing you'd do to get...
Not "Store custimsation". That is the only one that is not the same as The others. Plus I am not sure what to do... Do I replace them and then remove the pixelation... That is why I haven't used the "CustomisationItems" file. Should I use it and change the pixelation line in the xtbl file?
- I...
None of the items you listed are in the store. I followed the instructions. If it requires activating them either by manually selecting them then would that mean editing the .xtbl file? Or is it a possibility that I am being totally stupid? (which I doubt) - Even so it seems the items listed are...
Could you possibly add the following please?
Catsuit - Tight Jacket/Sausage Casing.
Old lady Biker Boots.
I just think that with those added, this mod would be flawless.
I don't see tweak_table.xtbl - Is it an extra file I must have or am I just being a noob here? So confusing.
[Edit] It's okay I found it... Finally. I downloaded "Recursive package extractor".
It was a lot of trouble though.
Thanks for your help none the less.
Sorry to say this but this is not really skin colors is it!? (Rhetorical)
It niether realistic nor practical... Not for me thanks. It would be better if they were a little more like actual "skin". I know this isn't constructive critisism but I feel the solution is simple enough to amend. Hope...
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