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  1. MrScratch

    Oculus Rift WIP

    With the use of a (paid) third party driver we now have true 3d stereo rendering. However there are some serious issues with this project and here are a few of the obvious ones. - Massive performance loss at night time in relation to car headlights. I know flashlight effects can be flagged in...
  2. MrScratch

    Modding Mishaps

    The NPC waiting at Ultor. I figured I'd take a gander at so I was swaping things around and I never bothered to compensate for the high detail textures so it just...
  3. MrScratch

    Modding Mishaps

    Trying to figure out how to modify the actual player. Not having much luck but I did stumble upon transgender Gat.
  4. MrScratch

    First person

    It's alot more complicated then that. I have been experimenting with it though so it's something that is being worked on.. slowly..
  5. MrScratch

    I saw genki *screenshots*

    Ya he can take a whooping. I thought he was invulnerable at first.
  6. MrScratch

    Where will Saints Row go next?

    I loved SR1/2. It was an entire game dedicated to the absolute best part of San Andreas. Honestly the only reason most people have forgotten about it is that the tech to run them is outdated and hard to come by. Now I'm sure we don't want to see 5 versions of a game dedicated to one part of...
  7. MrScratch

    So about "that" cutscene

    Well that makes alot more sense then the conclusion I came up with which is that they put alot of effort into moving away from "Grand Theft Auto: Stilwater" so it wouldn't make much sense for them to put in all that effort just to end up as "True Crime: Streets of Steelport". Honestly I hope...
  8. MrScratch

    Modding Mishaps

    Doing some Oculus testing and I forgot I still had some fps experiments left over.
  9. MrScratch

    Boss/President has the wrong voice

    I'm pretty sure I read that it uses the most progressed save when importing the boss. I personally had the minor issue of it loading in my boss which had an extremely squeaky high pitch voice that I used when trolling around on multiplayer.
  10. MrScratch

    So about "that" cutscene

    I'm pretty sure the series will end with the recipe for the perfect lobster bisque.
  11. MrScratch

    Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE*

    BadMad has a experimental version for SR3 tucked away in that modding section. As for SR2 I've looked into it previously and there is a camera trick that causes models that are too close to the camera to turn transparent. I dug around ingame and in the Ask V section but I could not find a way to...
  12. MrScratch

    Am I the only one actually looking forward to this?

    Kill Dex – We promise you can do it this time. Pinky swear. Yup I'm sold. Will pre-order at a future date, pinky swear. EDIT: Also get them to add DirectX 9 support this time around so we can get some third party Oculus support going on.
  13. MrScratch

    Japanese SR4 trailer is... just...

    All I want to see is the upcoming live action SR4 videos they are going to be making in the future.
  14. MrScratch

    SRIV | Share your character pictures

    Reminds me of some of the super heroines people were making in that one super hero MMO by cryptic. Boobs just might be a touch too big but then again some might disagree stating that they are not big enough. Personal preference I guess.
  15. MrScratch

    Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE*

    Your steam profile appears to have a lot of play time in SR4 now. Is this still an issue?
  16. MrScratch

    Do mods effect other players?

    Well then something somewhere must be telling it to stream the body texture. Which makes me wonder if it's a simple flag then it could be possible to enable this for other textures.
  17. MrScratch

    Do mods effect other players?

    Negative. Cameras are local only. I've tested this myself recently with the FPS mod against a fresh installed SR4 when a friend of mine picked it up during the steam sale. As for the texture mods showing up I am confused about this as well. The host streams body textures to the clients that join?
  18. MrScratch

    Stereo Vision Screenshot

    Ok so I've added a large pink and small red dot to the following image. When you are crossing your eyes try to get the two pink dots to blend into each other. Then focus on it until you can see the red dot in the center. If you can get your eyes to focus on it then the rest of the images three...
  19. MrScratch

    Stereo Vision Screenshot

    It's a shame you guys can not experience the magic of what I've provided without an external device. I guess true 3d is something you can not understand unless you know what you are supposed to be looking for. I'll look around and see if I can find a simple DIY stereo set that doesn't require...
  20. MrScratch

    Does 'The Boss' have respect?

    To be honest none of the crazy stuff started to happen until the boss was half a second away from being killed for absolutely no reason other then to silence a witness. Everything started slow until it got crazy from the boss becoming drunk with power. I can understand the direction they went...