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  1. Y

    Interupted Generator Disabling Bug Fix

    In last DLC (Christmas) this bug returns ;/ please help us :x
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    Ultor Returns

    I read "Ultron returns" and i was like O.o, so I read again....:P anyway, good to have it onboard ;)
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    Saints Army (24 or 56 Gang members at once)

    one of my favourite mods so far ;)
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    Saints Army (24 or 56 Gang members at once)

    does it work with every homie model (you know, army of ninjas and stuff)
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    No Gates in "The Real World"

    thanks a lot, it all works now
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    No Gates in "The Real World"

    one - "generator fix" when I choose the mission, nothing happens, no objective marker, no Kinzie's voice... and if i press Tab or Esc, game freezes. I tried with "installing" it during flight part, but after restarting checkpoint, infinite loading screen happens.
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    Clip editor for SR4 here's the original, and my question is - would someone kindly create it for latest Saint's game?
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    No Gates in "The Real World"

    with this mod installed, i can't even start this mission, can anyone help me?