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  1. EnjoiIsGood

    Enhanced Gang Customization - VERSION 2.0 is out! Now with Zin Saints!

    Would it be possible to put the Brotherhood, Samedi, and Ronin gang models in this mod?
  2. EnjoiIsGood

    Gat Out Of Hell Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell announced!

    I would like to play as Gat as much as the next guy, but this seemed like a good idea for the protagonist. But, that's just me...
  3. EnjoiIsGood

    Remove All Clothing from Wardrobe

    I kinda had this idea in my mind and wondered if it was possible to do so. Like if it was possible to delete all the purchased clothes from the wardrobe...
  4. EnjoiIsGood

    Rattler's Return

    What's weird is how Genki appears more often than taxis do in my game. And I don't have any mods for spawn groups...
  5. EnjoiIsGood

    Additional Cheats

  6. EnjoiIsGood

    STAG: Back in Action

    I like the touch of this mod. Makes me feel like an antagonist supervillian and STAG was called in to put an end to my destruction! So in short, I love this mod...
  7. EnjoiIsGood

    Weapon texture mods (mostly decker style)

    The Deckers dubstep gun looks absolutely amazing!
  8. EnjoiIsGood

    Can this laptop run this game decently?

    I got it on my laptop and it runs pretty great, with the addition of adding the mods that removes the superpower glow.