Everything you could ever wish to know about...
This guide will explain everything you need to know about Animations in Saints Row 2.
Everything here was learned through the development of FPA+.
What This Guide Covers:
- .anim_pc filename structure.
- How to add Triggers, Inverse Kinematics...
I would like to know how I can spawn an NPC without any animations attached to it. Would be appreciated if someone could make a script of some sorts but I also don't mind learning myself. Thank you in advance :)
I have a few questions I want to ask about the NPC cruncher.
1. How can assign animations to npcs?
2. How do I find and assign the back stretch/pain animation?
3. How do I increase the chance of a NPC spawning?
These are the only questions, for now. I know you can't change the clothes on...
For the longest time I've wanted to get my hands on some of the taunts that can be performed in Saints Row 3-4, but never knew how to. Would anyone know how to do that? I just need to be able to import it into Blender in some way, perhaps linked to a model with Animation data?
Note: I know...
I know the pistol running animation is bugged for females to be the male one unless dual wielding but truth be told I actually prefer the male running animation in general (the female jog animation is still great though). Can anyone make it so that when I’m sprinting I get the Male variation for...
When playing saints row the third on PlayStation 3, I encountered a unique interactive animation, similar to the melee attack prompted animations, but this was when stealing a passing car from an npc. The player assumes several different types of animation for carjacking. This one in particular...
- Defines a new weapon animation set called Weap_RiotShotgun
- Assigns the new weapon animation set to Shotgun-Police
- Defines the animation for the rotating drum when firing
This mod will fix some animation oversights and bugs.
To install it just extract "anim_files.xtbl" into the directory where your your exe is.
Compatible with Re-elected
Made By Vlad Viper
modifications made inside anim_files.xtbl:
There is little to no documentation going over how to mod stuff in this game and i would love to know how to mod and where to find where the animations are located in the files for this game
Is there anyone able to make a Hadouken mod like in this thread https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/action.13978/post-117749
I tried contacting the mod author but no luck.
Does anyone know if it's possible to change the overall body structure? Similar to Skyrim's popular CBBE mods? The body customization is so bad for the female end of the body slider. Butt is ugly, breasts look like man pecs grown through SARMS.. I think the nipples are 2D.. If we could get...
I have noticed that there are npc animations that would work as emotes for the player or that some emotes from previous games were not added to bring some nostalgia. maybe someone can add some or take the npc animations and make them emotes?
Hello my talented beauties,
I was wondering if someone made or is willing to make a mod that replaces the running animation in SRTT and/or SRTT:R with the super sprint animation from SR4.
...and that is all
-Ya Dude Zack
I have spent a lot of time trying to modify animations in this game but am at a loss as how to get any of it to work. I have been able to replace one existing animation with another, of course, but that is about it. I am trying to create new death and flinch animations. I know that there are no...
I have spent a lot of time trying to modify animations in this game but am at a loss as how to get any of it to work. I have been able to replace one existing animation with another, of course, but that is about it. I am trying to create new death and flinch animations. I know that there are...
Melee Overhaul
The goal of this mod is to make melee and takedowns much better by making it closer to Saints Row 2, and restoring cut content (hence why the logo still uses old design ;))
Mod Features
-3 new weapon takedowns restored from beta version, move takedown with rifles, move takedown...
I'm developing a game similar to Saints Row on Unreal Engine 4. The plot tells the story of the war of criminal groups in Russia, Yekaterinburg 1990's. I really want to use some elements for my game taken from Saints Row, mostly animations. I would be very grateful if you could help me extract...
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