
  1. Singa

    Talking About Spoilers

    With the embargo lifted and many content creators and gaming news outlets showing a ton of gameplay, missions and other parts of the game, there naturally are a lot of spoilers floating around. While we allow you all to talk about these spoilers, we ask that you also respect the people who do...
  2. Singa

    Forum changes and updates

    The "Ask Volition" subforum has been closed until further notice. Back when Saints Row IV received official modding support, and several Volition devs were active members here who helped with troubleshooting and developing tools, the Ask Volition forum was created so that modders could ask...
  3. Singa

    Redesign of the Modding Forums

    As a lot of you have noticed by now, we are currently redesigning the website by adding a dark mode and adding new themes for the individual game categories. Please be aware that all of these changes are a work in progress and not finalized, however, since there is no preview, we have to apply...
  4. Singa

    The Saints Row Discord

    As many of you are aware, there is a large, fan-run Saints Row server over on Discord. Today we have added a dedicated button that will direct you to the server on our frontpage: The server is partnered with Discord, so please follow the rules in #welcome, the Discord Terms of Service, as...
  5. Singa

    SRTT Saints Row: The Third - Remastered Announced

    So after weeks of speculations based on leaks online, we finally got official confirmation that Saints Row: The Third will receive a remaster that will release on May 22nd 2020 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on the Epic Games Store. [Source: see trailer below] It will come to Steam later at...