
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    Pre-Release Chunk Map for Pause Map

    Adds the Pre-Release Chunk Map as the Pause Menu Map: It does look a little messy, but it's useful for getting an idea of where each of the game's Chunks are. It will not appear in the Minimap.
  2. Möyh Mäyh

    A map editor?

    A map editor built in Godot game engine. In it's current state it's more like a toy than a real tool, but I hope to grow it into something usable. Project source Download a build here. No changing collisions yet. Quick usage: Unzip and run the program. Open a chunkfile (Make sure there...
  3. Möyh Mäyh

    a map mod.

    The purpose of this mod is to showcase what's currently possible. This is very, very broken but it marks some kind of milestone. I built a g_chunk file from exported models. Go say hi to rayman. I'll post something in the chunk thread tomorrow.
  4. Möyh Mäyh

    chunk_pc Yo, I've been looking at these .chunk_pc files past weekend and have reverse engineered some info out of them. I have no clue on majority of the files' contents...