
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    Animations: A Comprehensive Guide.

    Everything you could ever wish to know about... This guide will explain everything you need to know about Animations in Saints Row 2. Everything here was learned through the development of FPA+. What This Guide Covers: - .anim_pc filename structure. - How to add Triggers, Inverse Kinematics...
  2. -SeaboundSaint-

    Female Player Animations+ (FPA+)

    FPA+ started life back in 2022 as a simple female animation set for the Playa. Since then, it has grown into something much, much more. FPA+ is an ecosystem of animation mods for Saints Row 2, designed specifically for female characters. It attempts to keep feminine animations exclusive to...
  3. webbtail245

    Animations Extracting Compliments and Taunts for use in Blender

    For the longest time I've wanted to get my hands on some of the taunts that can be performed in Saints Row 3-4, but never knew how to. Would anyone know how to do that? I just need to be able to import it into Blender in some way, perhaps linked to a model with Animation data? Note: I know...
  4. F

    Skating Emote

    Skating Emote. Replaces the blow a kiss compliment. DOWNLOAD NOW Instructions: Extract the .RAR with winRAR, and simply place the files in your MODDERS folder in GOTR, then rebuild your patch, and select the skateboard emote at Image As Designed. Now you can skate by pressing the compliment...