
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    NPC Editing - A Comprehensive Guide

    Current Version: 1.0.0 With this series of .txt files, you will learn all about Saints Row 2's NPC related files. You will learn how to change the colours of the items an NPC wears, change their gameplay voice, filter in-game appearance by gender/race/character type, force specific outfit...
  2. megatails

    Wings files location?

    hello, I would want to know where to find the wings files, I've searched through the files but can't find them.
  3. G

    SRTT Hey can someone give me a SR-TT 100% save

    I just bought it (with all dlc's) because steam sale destroys my wallet but i have it on my xbox 360 (without any dlc's).And i just dont want to replay the whole game because i have replayed it like umm 11 times on my xbox.
  4. D

    Where is the location of clothing texture files?

    Where is the location of clothing texture files?
  5. D

    Why when I extracted tattoo's file, it's just a blank white picture in photoshop?

    Why when I extracted tattoo's file, it's just a blank white picture in photoshop?