
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    GotR Preload Fixes

    This preload.tbl fixes issues in Gentlemen Of The Row's preload.tbl. FIXES: - "softdrink.smesh" has replaced "cigarette.smesh". This fixes crashing when using a drink item (such as the "Big Swallow" from Freckle Bitch's). "cigarette.smesh" was not being used. "cigarettelife.smesh" is...
  2. Uzis

    Saints Row 2 Juiced Patch

    Hi, hello and welcome! This is the new official thread for SR2 Juiced Patch. Latest Juiced Patch version is Version 7.3.3. Latest Juiced Patch LITE version is Version 1.1.1. What is Juiced Patch? Juiced Patch is a collaboration of fixes and enhancements for Saints Row 2 created by Me, Tervel...
  3. -SeaboundSaint-

    Tubular Distortion Bug Fix

    This little bug here has irked me since 2008: That is until I stumbled upon this nugget of information over on the Saints Row 2 Fandom Wiki: So here it is; A simple fix to effects.xtbl: minigun_barrel is now second in the effects.xtbl list. I take no credit for this fix. Full credit goes...
  4. MadeOfPuddin

    Riot Shotgun Animation Fix

    RIOT SHOTGUN ANIMATION FIX Before After FILES anim_set_filenames.xtbl - Defines a new weapon animation set called Weap_RiotShotgun items_3d.xtbl - Assigns the new weapon animation set to Shotgun-Police tables\weap_riotshotgun.xtbl - Defines the animation for the rotating drum when firing
  5. MadeOfPuddin

    Tattoo Fixes & Additions

    TATTOO FIXES & ADDITIONS IMAGES FIXES ADDITIONS CHANGELOG Removed unneccessary Colorizable flag from tattoo_Rcalf_oninew (Hidden Evil, Entire Right Leg) Added missing Colorizable flag to tattoo_Lcalf_3 (Keep Swimming, Entire Left Leg) Fixed tattoo_lowback_lotusnew1 being in the wrong slot...
  6. MadeOfPuddin

    Tattoo Fixes & Additions

    TATTOO FIXES & ADDITIONS IMAGES FIXES ADDITIONS WORK IN PROGRESS CHANGELOG Added missing Colorizable flag to tattoo_Lcalf_3 (Keep Swimming, Entire Left Leg) Added tattoo_lua_saints and tattoo_lua_saints2 (Saints, Upper Left Arm and Upper Right Arm) KNOWN ISSUES Missing strings Also...
  7. williamg209

    Has this game been shelved?

    I bought the game on sale thinking how bad can it really be the community often puts down anything that comes out now, and it really is awful, from the worse then steelport bland cities to the fact you can kill 100 cops and lose the wanted level stood in the same spot to the awful driving that...
  8. Hurk

    Cutscene fixes.

    I noticed while playing the cutscenes have screen tearing and are limited to 30 fps. Can someone make a mod that fixes this if possible or post a link to one that does fix it.
  9. Saint_of_the_Barrio

    Add all vehicles to Foreing Power + some vehicle customization fixes and expansions

    Just as the title says, I've had this one laying around for a while and it was time for me to post it. This mod simply adds all the game's vehicles to Foreing Power as well as adding a few new customization options to some of the vehicles, Like giving the player the ability to buy the "Ho" hood...
  10. F

    Smoother Camera Controls

    DOWNLOAD SR1's camera values had some errors in them which caused the camera to act a little wonky at times. This mod fixes those values to make the camera a lot smoother. Perfect for KBAM users Install: drop the files in the phantasy row "usermods" folder and build your patch. Or drop them in...
  11. F

    SR4 Re-Elected: The Pentagon Patch V1.1

    SAINTS ROW IV RE-ELECTED: THE PENTAGON PATCH DOWNLOAD LATEST VERSION Similar to my Super Ethical Patch for SR3, this is a compilation of several Saints Row IV mods and tweaks ported and remade for the Re-Elected patch, as well as some new mods. The mod includes several changes, fixes, quality...
  12. F

    The Super Ethical Patch 4.0 (Classic Edition)

    SAINTS ROW: THE THIRD - SUPER ETHICAL EDITION (Classic Edition) NOTE: This version is only compatible with the classic version. Click here for the Remastered Edition The SUPER ETHICAL PATCH is a mod-pack based of Gentlemen of Steelport, updated by myself, along with the help of others. Its...
  13. Masamaru

    Overhauled Stilwater

    I made this mod to be the new generation version GOTR. However, the game is closer to vanilla. This mod includes bug fixes, activity adjustments, graphics improvements, vehicle operability improvements and radio sound quality improvements. And you can easily add other mods. FileName...
  14. SkatefilterX-5

    Trojan Whores Strippers On Player's Side

    In Trojan Whores you see strippers in the helicopter attack you but they don't attack you unless you destroy the helicopter because I remove attack player flag but I can't remove from other strippers generationing in the penthouse. You'll need a sandbox+ to switch teams. I have 2 versions, one...
  15. F

    NOVA SPE 23

    NOVA SPE 23 INCLUDES MORE THAN 30 OPTIONAL MODS FOR SAINTS ROW 2 Want to have gangs after story completion? Prefer SR1's sprinting animations? Wish you had a flying car? You came to the right place! INCLUDED: 8 new jogging animations 3 new sprint animations New taunts and compliments New...