
  1. dragonfly10

    Death from Above

    Hello, I wanna know if is there a way to make a cancel button, directional movement and use it in any direction for Death from Above? I want to use it as another flying method. For now I unlocked the camera in camera_free.xtbl, but the attack keeps going to the same direction. I really want to...
  2. D

    Gat out of Hell power ports

    Would it be possible to port any of the powers from GooH to SRIV, namely the flight and wings? I mean it was treated as basically an extension on the jump power I dont know if the menu would support adding like a seperate power or setting it up as like an alternate flight element as Gat out of...
  3. CoopRage

    Digital Angel Mod

    I've seen a lot of requests that ask for a flight mod but I don't want just any flight mod. What I want is far more complicated, I ant a Gat Out of Hell flight mod. One where you get your wings and fly like you would in GOoH. I've always liked the flight in GOoH from what I played with my buds...