
  1. Singa

    SRTT - R Saints Row: The Third - Remastered Now On Steam and GoG

    As of today, Saints Row: The Third - Remastered is available on Steam and GoG! Unlike the Epic Games Store version of the game, the Steam and GoG versions have achievements. On Steam the remaster costs 40€ but is currently 40% off until the 28th of May, and even further discounted if you buy...
  2. L

    Visuals & Graphics Install first person mod on GOG version

    Hi, I have Saints Row 4: game of the century (GOG) and I tried to install the mod but it doesn't work, is it possible? How?
  3. nclok1405

    SR2 GOG FPS Unlocker

    SR2 GOG FPS Unlocker Program by adamhm (from Wine wrapper for Saints Row 2) Original Patch by Zyankali Recompiled for Windows by nclok1405 == Description == In Saints Row 2 on GOG, the framerate is capped at 30 FPS. There is a patch to unlock it... but it is flagged as a malware by many...
  4. Singa

    Saints Row IV - New Minigun Designs

    This mod makes the minigun from Saints Row: The Third available as a new costume for the Heavy Minigun from the Enter the Dominatrix DLC. It serves as sort of a followup to my previously released mod for Saints Row 2 which gives the minigun in that game a Brotherhood-like design. You can find...
  5. darkar2009

    make a warframes giris for saint row 4 gog

    make a warframes giris Female Tennos from a game "Warframe"
  6. darkar2009

    make gatomon for saint row 4 gog

    make gatomon for saint row 4 gog
  7. darkar2009

    port all mods for this url gog

    https://www.saintsrowmods.com/forum/threads/admixons-creations.17215/ port all mods for this url form gog
  8. darkar2009

    How do I make clothing mods for sr4 for gog?

    How do I make clothing mods for sr4 for gog?
  9. BeautiDuwanger

    BeautiDuwanger Arsenal

    Decided to split the weapons from my clothing mods as a request. Will update when I create more. INSTALLATION: Copy the vpp_pc file to ...saints row 4/mods folder NierAutomata: Swords HALO: UNSC Weapons Bayonetta gun Kill la Kill: Bakuzan
  10. BeautiDuwanger

    BeautiDuwanger Steam Workshop items.

    OLD THREAD, IF YOU WANT THE MODS VISIT THEIR RESPECTIVE POSTS: Nier Automata: Androids Bayonetta Bowsette Bunny Suit Kill la Kill Classic Harley Quinn Tanya Winters Viola de Wynter Shaundi´s White House Dress Hatsune Miku I will do male mods too, I promise
  11. DominatorLegend

    GOG version of SR2 fixed?

    I was hovering around the shop and lamenting I didn't buy Duke 3D in time when I stumbled upon SR2, a game I already own in Steam and runs like a rotten lemon. However, while taking a look at the critics I saw one (the first one) that said: "The game actually works now people. You don't need to...
  12. Admixon

    GoG | Admixon's Wardrobe

    I'll post mods for GoG version too! My Models Ports Other Packs GUIDE Pharah - Put PharALL.vpp_pc file to Saints Row 4/mods VSHP - Put HallALL.vpp_pc file to Saints Row 4/mods N&N - Put XmasALL.vpp_pc file to Saints Row 4/mods Nerdy Glasses - Put nerdy2.vpp_pc file to...
  13. Admixon

    Saints Row IV and GooH GoG versions?

    Please tell me it's a joke... or how does it work. https://www.gog.com/forum/general/release_saints_row_iv_gat_out_of_hell_44912 Store: https://www.gog.com/game/saints_row_iv_game_of_the_century_edition Now expect something like this: - I'm not a pirate I have GoG version. - Why there is no...