
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    .smesh orientation editor tool.

    I know it's possible to hex edit the weapon_handles (xyz orientation/coordinates) of .smesh files with HxD. I have had success in changing the values, but I'm struggling to work out the logic of the required values to achieve what I want. What would be fantastic is to have a small dedicated...

    SRTT Alternative Health

    Dear Volition, Is it possible to create alternate ways of gaining health in SRTT? Example: pickups, kills, inventory, melee, bash/pickpocket. I'm also thinking about having only 25% of health "regain-able." Thanks, MLVNRT
  3. D

    Help me give the player items in LUA?

    Hello. I don't post much here but I'd like to ask for some assistance with making a simple mod (but apparently not simple enough to where I can pull it off huh?). I have a fair amount of knowledge with LUA scripting and have modded Saint's Row 2 before. I've looked through the liquor_store.lua...