
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    Main Menu Logos

    Just a couple of Main Menu logos I've been using. I might make more in the future. BETA MAP: PURPLE: INSTALLATION:
  2. -SeaboundSaint-

    Pre-Release Chunk Map for Pause Map

    Adds the Pre-Release Chunk Map as the Pause Menu Map: It does look a little messy, but it's useful for getting an idea of where each of the game's Chunks are. It will not appear in the Minimap.
  3. clubside

    Asset Extraction

    Howdy! I’ve been an occasional browser of this awesome community over the years but this is my first post. Hopefully I’m not asking for something an easy search would have revealed but I haven’t had any luck so I’m here. I plan on making interactive web-based maps for the entirety of the...
  4. Möyh Mäyh

    A map editor?

    A map editor built in Godot game engine. In it's current state it's more like a toy than a real tool, but I hope to grow it into something usable. Project source Download a build here. No changing collisions yet. Quick usage: Unzip and run the program. Open a chunkfile (Make sure there...
  5. Möyh Mäyh

    a map mod.

    The purpose of this mod is to showcase what's currently possible. This is very, very broken but it marks some kind of milestone. I built a g_chunk file from exported models. Go say hi to rayman. I'll post something in the chunk thread tomorrow.
  6. Möyh Mäyh

    chunk_pc Yo, I've been looking at these .chunk_pc files past weekend and have reverse engineered some info out of them. I have no clue on majority of the files' contents...
  7. YouShallFollow

    Map progress doesn't save

    After several hours I just realized that after saving the game and then loading again: - Neighborhoods exploring progress is lost. All map is grey, question marks everywhere. Funny thing that if I come back to some already explored neighborhood, ALL previously opened stores in that neighbohoo...
  8. F

    How to change ownership of hoods

    So I was fooling around with Sandbox+ using the teams and now the map of neighbourhoods looks like a patchwork. How can I change the owners manually, and if there is no tool, can somebody make one? Thank you!
  9. BombOverface

    Mission Mods/Map Mods Possible?

    I was just wondering if modding a mission into the game is possible, for example a Saints Row: The Third mission imported into SR4/GOOH and if so can the entire map from SR3 be put into SR4/GOOH (after completing story of course) for example I would love to use super powers in SR3 map or (if...
  10. Quantum

    Saints Row 3 and 4 Zone File Tools

    LATEST RELEASE, VERSION 3.0 [2017-05-07] This package contains Windows command-line tools that can be used to work with zone files (*.czh_pc and *.czn_pc). This assumes you have some familiarity with the Windows command line. The SRZoneTool converts Saints Row zone files (".czh_pc" and...