Siemano wszystkim, jak mówi tytuł, zapłacę każdemu, kto wykona dla mnie proste mody takie jak: zamiana treści na plakatach (głównie w mieszkaniu Ex Shaundi i garażu Kinzie), zmiana treści wyświetlanej na ekranach telewizorów i ekranów komputerów, zmiana modelu postaci i nakładanie innych...
Cleaner Costs v0.1
Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU
Download: cleanercosts_v0.1.zip
"Hey, HEY! Watch your shooting!" -- Bain
=== Description ===
Celebrating Saints Row x PAYDAY2 crossover, this mod implements the civilian kill penalty from PAYDAY2 to ALL Saints Row games on PC.
When you kill...
SRTT coin pickup money replacer. If you thought the bulky money stacks were an eye sore for some reason then this is the mod for you!
To install it extract both files into the directory where your your exe is.
Made By Vlad Viper
SRTT money pickup ported to SR4.
To install it extract both files from inside the chosen rar archive into the directory where your your exe is.
Made By Vlad Viper
Coin version:
This mod changes the Mac10/SKR-7 Spree from GotR into a money gun, inspired by the Diamond Sting from GooH.
The weapon is still available at Friendly Fire like in base GotR.
To install my mod, open up the "Get your weapons.xtbl here" folder.
Inside you will find...
This one is for those who hate Expanded Arsenal Mod. It's pure SilverLink content, without any other features. I also enabled all those crappy money/respect bonuses for pussies so you'll get combo of unlock screens after launching the game. ;)
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