
  1. R


    can the SR3MP Developer make An edition to this saints row as well?
  2. K3rhos

    SR3MP - Multiplayer Mod

    SR3MP • What is SR3MP ? It's a custom multiplayer client for Saints Row The Third: Remastered. Allowing you to join servers made by the community, create custom mods/scripts for your own server and more. • Does this mod work for the original Saints Row The Third ? No, the original game...
  3. A

    Mod Coop

    Hi, I just installed Saint Row 2 on two PCs at home in LAN with Steam but I can't see the host part in the coop mod, does anyone have an idea ? I even tried the Hamachi, Radmin VPN, ZeroTier One but it doesn't work.
  4. Ultimaspider

    Want to play Saints Row 1 ?

    I purchased Saints Row 1 last year for the 360 and i want to play multiplayer but the multiplayer is ridiculously dead. So im making a discord for people who want to play the 360 multiplayer. You don't need a mic on 360 hell you dont even have to talk. This is just for people who just want to...
  5. Ultimaspider

    Do people want to play Saints Row 1 Multiplayer

    I purchased Saints Row 1 last year for the 360 and i want to play multiplayer but the multiplayer is ridiculously dead. So im making a discord for people who want to play the 360 multiplayer. You don't need a mic on 360 hell you dont even have to talk. This is just for people who just want to...
  6. sethsrmasters

    Saints Row 4 Multiplayer Campaign?

    Anyone want to play a saints row 4 multiplayer campaign? I have the More Superpower Upgrades mod, More Throwables, and the mod that adds more cheats.