pc modding

  1. HKSvsGreddy

    For save games that uses mods which require a new save game, is it possible to add new mods without breaking the save?

    I want to add new mods like SRTT style third-person camera, textures packs, etc. However, the save game I want to add it to has ImpulseOfSword2007's SR2 Complete Combat Overhaul mod installed, which requires a new save game after install to prevent mod-related bugs. If I generate a new patch...
  2. pleasegofuk

    Broken LODs?

    I can't recall if this is a known issue with the game or an issue with a mod, but when I can around the map at distances or when flying/at a high height, parts of the map just turn black and disappear, usually in large square chunks. I'm thinking it's an issue with LOD (level of detail) but I'm...