
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    Pedestrian Reactions

    This mod alters how pedestrians react to you (regardless of your respect level). They can either Ignore you, Hate (Taunt) you, or Love (Compliment) you. This mod can either affect All Pedestrians (Civilians, Saints Gang Members, Enemy Gang Members, and Police), or Civilians Only. INSTALLATION...
  2. N

    Ped riot

    All I want is a pedestrian riot cheat like in sr2. But not like 4 where your gang trys to kill you. Does that exist yet? And work with Things to do in Steelport?
  3. Gregi 2

    Ghost city Steelport/no pedestrians/empty map

    Hi! Was just wondering if there's a possibility to remove everyone from steelport except you Is it possible? Maybe on sandbox +?