
  1. MadeOfPuddin

    Move Sniper to Rifles

    Description Moves the McManus 2010 to the Rifles slot Screenshots Installation Drop all files into your root folder Files _a_ga_dt_03_modal.str2_pc - Changes the forced weapon slot during Guardian Angel (Kinzie) from Special to Rifle _a_ga_nw_01_modal.str2_pc - Changes the forced weapon...
  2. K

    Character Customization Alternate Lv. 4 AK

    Hi, I'm not a big fan of the ammunation box on the lv 4 AK, but I've found this model in Friendly Fire store : https://ibb.co/SfHZtQ6 Could it be used as player weapon ? Or at least, is it possible to get the dual magazines from level 3 on level 4 version ? Thanks in advance
  3. NarrowWatch

    Semi-Auto AR-55 (Rifle-NG)

    I would like to have the AR-55 be a semi-auto rifle: a weapon like the pistol where one click equals one shot; instead of the usual "burst-fire" mode. It would be nice too if it was like the KA-1 Kobra, firing as quickly as you can press the fire button.