
  1. -SeaboundSaint-

    Open City: Hidden Interior Warps

    Stilwater already has so much to discover, but what if you've seen it all? Introducing "Open City: Hidden Interior Warps"! This mod adds Teleporters dotted around the map to make previously inaccessible areas accessible in free-roam! Teleporters have been added in an organic way, meaning it's...
  2. -SeaboundSaint-

    Disable Store Ownership Triggers (Template Files)

    Why disable Store Ownership? Saints Row 2 only has so much memory allotted for Triggers. If too many Triggers are loaded in the game world at one time, the game will freeze. "ALT+F4" won't save you. You'll have to use "CTRL+ALT+DEL" or "SuperF4". Even if all the Triggers work okay in the open...
  3. -SeaboundSaint-

    Customization Items: The Encyclopedia

    Welcome to the Customization Items Encyclopedia for Saints Row 2! Here you will learn all about Saints Row 2's customization system, and how the files interact with one another. This guide is part of a three-part series: Customization Items: The Encyclopedia | Customization Items: Asset...
  4. -SeaboundSaint-

    Made 2 Measure: Seabound's Clothing Patch

    Wear it YOUR way. "Made 2 Measure" is a near total overhaul of Saints Row 2's clothing and customization systems. Pretty much anything you've ever wished you could do with clothing in Saints Row 2 can now be done! IMPORTANT: Please read and understand the "ISSUES" section below before using...
  5. nclok1405

    SuperUI for SRGOOH v0.6

    SuperUI for other games: SR2 | SRTT Classic | SRIV | SRGOOH SuperUI for SRGOOH v0.6 Created by nclok1405 ◆VScYHamhfU Download: SuperUI_for_SRGOOH_v0.6.7z === Description === This mod enhances user interface of Saints Row: Gat out of Hell. NOTICE: Only tested for the Steam version. ===...
  6. S

    Activities & Missions Spawning shops in new areas

    So I've been trying to spawn new food shops, made entries in shops sr2 city xtbl, pairs of triggers in city triggers, and the relevant navpts in city navpoints, and [pairs of triggers in shops sr2 city xtbl and coords for the trigger.xtbl] in city.cts but when I access them ingame they somehow...
  7. 3rdStreetSaint 212

    The New Saints Row

    Basically, I know people have being making mods based on altering the textures of specific areas or the entire map, example (someone made the entire map look like a Minecraft world. So with the Saints Row District being under Ultor's control for the foreseeable future, I was wondering if the...
  8. DefiantDucky

    SOLVED Gentlemen of the Row: Store Outfit Crashing *Fixed*

    Sorry guy's I had to rewrite this in order to ensure I can update the old thread without a wall of text. Basically in Gentlemen of the Row, there was a common occurrence of crashing when selecting outfits from the store, the main culprits where the On the Rag outfits installed by the mod...
  9. nclok1405

    SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (No exit prompts in menus, HUD enhancements, better Weapons Cache & More!)

    SuperUI for other games: SR2 | SRTT Classic | SRIV | SRGOOH SuperUI for SR2 v2.9 (July 22, 2021) Created by nclok1405 Download: SuperUI_for_SR2_v2.9.7z NOTE: This mod is for the original release (2009) version of Saints Row 2. It probably won't work correctly with the upcoming Saints Row 2...
  10. Fan of Saints

    SaintsHUD (Saints Row IV port)

    --> DESCRIPTION <-- This time I ported PixelMurder's SaintsHUD to Saints Row: The Third! This port contains all features from Saints Row IV version (except camera changes) and some of IdolNinja's classics. --> HOW TO INSTALL? <-- Copy all files (except 'Readme.txt') from the archive to your...