100% abs at 100% skinny build slider for female character

i was wondering if it would be possible for the female character to have the appearance of the abs at 100 % strength on the build slider while having the rest of the character to have the appearance at the 100% skinny. i don't like to have the character look like a body builder just to have good looking abs.
This is only possible through the normal maps.

But, if you need something like this - it's simple.
However, there is not only abs, this is all-body normal maps for 100% muscle built.
thanks for the reply. i guess i would need to make a new map that created the appearance of the abs alone without the addition of the other muscle appearance on the other parts of the body. i guess i will have to create a texture for the result that i desire.
Well, as far as I can remember normal maps stored in "Female XXXX.str2_pc" files.