A little help with xtbls

I tried changing the values of an xtbl using notepad, and now all my xtbl based mods open with notepad and don't register ingame. What can I do to fix this?
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Sounds like there are two separate issues.

One is that the xtbl files are associated with the notepad program, which isn't a problem. If you don't want that happening, make some other program the default for them. It isn't the cause of the second problem.

The second is that they "don't register ingame", which i can't imagine why they wouldn't do.
Shift right click on the file and choose the option "Open With" from the menu.
Then when the list comes up, pick a better program to open them. I suggest Notepad++

Notepad (the one that comes with Windows) has a bad habit of renaming files with a .txt extension. That is probably what happened to you to stop SRTT from recognizing the files.
You need to go into the folder options in windows explore and turn OFF the option to hide known extensions.