This is my first post here so excuse any mistakes (posting in wrong section, making no sense at all...those kind of things)
Basically I was wondering if its possible for anyone to import custom content into the game such as clothing, weapons, hair, etc. I have installed GOTR and there seems to be some custom items added in from there (off the top of my head I recall there being a few new hairstyles) and tbh I think this game has really ugly hair. I really like the long female hair that comes with the ultor exposed DLC but unfortunately the pc port has no DLC and I understand that its not possible to port DLC items over to the pc. Now I am wondering if its possible for people to create custom hairstyles and import them into the game, like the custom hairstyles that came with GOTR...thanks.
Basically I was wondering if its possible for anyone to import custom content into the game such as clothing, weapons, hair, etc. I have installed GOTR and there seems to be some custom items added in from there (off the top of my head I recall there being a few new hairstyles) and tbh I think this game has really ugly hair. I really like the long female hair that comes with the ultor exposed DLC but unfortunately the pc port has no DLC and I understand that its not possible to port DLC items over to the pc. Now I am wondering if its possible for people to create custom hairstyles and import them into the game, like the custom hairstyles that came with GOTR...thanks.