Hello again! I have another question about a few things related to the Gang Customization feature in Saints Row: The Third. There are a few glitches or oversights with Gang Customization:
I have another question: would it be, in theory, possible to select a specific weapon for gang-mates to spawn with? I can see this useful in Saints Row IV with the different firearm skins.
- Gang vehicles are spawned with random colors, and not the Saints purple, as shown in the menu.
- Gang mates will NEVER use the gang signs they were assigned to use.
- Setting a gang-mate skin to "random" does not toggle between skins every time the said gang-mate spawns. This can result in funny situations with 10 duplicates of Gat mascots running about, even if I've dedicated one "random" slot for that skin group.
I have another question: would it be, in theory, possible to select a specific weapon for gang-mates to spawn with? I can see this useful in Saints Row IV with the different firearm skins.