SRTT About Gang Customization

Hello again! I have another question about a few things related to the Gang Customization feature in Saints Row: The Third. There are a few glitches or oversights with Gang Customization:

  • Gang vehicles are spawned with random colors, and not the Saints purple, as shown in the menu.
  • Gang mates will NEVER use the gang signs they were assigned to use.
  • Setting a gang-mate skin to "random" does not toggle between skins every time the said gang-mate spawns. This can result in funny situations with 10 duplicates of Gat mascots running about, even if I've dedicated one "random" slot for that skin group.
My question is, can these be fixed?

I have another question: would it be, in theory, possible to select a specific weapon for gang-mates to spawn with? I can see this useful in Saints Row IV with the different firearm skins.