Adding alt fire to a weapon

Hey guys, I wanna add an alt fire to the RPG.

I want it so that when I press the alt fire button, it would fire a different projectile than when fired regularly, as well as at different speed.
Any help on this?
Hey guys, I wanna add an alt fire to the RPG.

I want it so that when I press the alt fire button, it would fire a different projectile than when fired regularly, as well as at different speed.
Any help on this?
I dont think this is possible sorry to tell you sorry, I asked Volition before about adding in alt fire mode in same way the 'Merica works but they told me umm ill go find quote and edit this post with it :)

Found the post you could prob do it some way if you could add in new tabels to replicate all the merca tabels but with your alt fire changes that might work but ye this is what I was told by Ramius.

That won't help you. The 'Merica gun functionality is special, one-off, functionality for that weapon. There isn't anything in the table file that would let you reproduce that mode switching. There's just a flag that turns it on and your new weapon would just do the same thing as the 'Merica gun.
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