Adding New Traffic Peds/Vehicles

I was just fooling around trying to get like Morning Star and Luchadore vehicles to patrol the city, I managed to do that, and then tried to input a new line for a Ronin, only the the bike spawned, later today, I did some more editing, currently I'm modding the spawn_info_categories, spawn_info_groups and notoriety xtbl files, but testing it now just crashes the game, just stays on the loading screen with the blue bar half loaded.

I don't understand what is wrong.

I used the m14_carmy_ronin name to start with, and when I renamed it to "spawn_Gang_Ronin" like the others, it's mainly the info_categories file which I think is crashing my game, I'm trying to add more peds like rouge Saints in Challengers, Ultor in Bears etc, but I need to know what I'm doing wrong.

Also another problem that occurs is when I'm playing, a minute or two later the game just decides to stop all together on it's own accord. no crash, it's the my computer kills the program process.

I've attached the three files if anyone can figure out what's going on.

