Adding Vehicle Components To The Rim Jobs Menu - A Study

Let me say two things

1. I was excited to figure this out because of the possibilities
2. Since I have figured it out I haven't found a use for it yet,
but I'm hoping someone else will.

I haven't been able to use it to further customize my vehicles.
I.E. The Alaskan's mirrors and Roll bar on the Mag. You can add
the options to the menu but they will not apply to the vehicle.
I'm not 100% sure why but I'm thinking that it's a mesh issue. If
the component doesn't exist in the vehicle mesh then it can't be added
and if it does already exist why would it need to be added in the first
place? (I have had similar issues attempting to add new decals to a

If this information is wrong then feel free to correct me.

You can add entries to a vehicle's _cust file and make the
entries show up in Rim Jobs / Semi Broken.

As a proof of concept I will add a mirrors option to the Mag which
doesn't have one.

First open suv_4dr_06_cust.xtbl which is the Alaskan's Customization file and
search mirror. Here is the code snippet that I was looking for:

              <Name>Option 1</Name>
                  <Material_list />
              <Name>Option 2</Name>
                  <Material_list />

I opened suv_4dr_luxury01_cust.xtbl which is the Mag's customization
file and I added the code to it. That's all there was too it. All that
was left was to crunch it and recompile the game patch.

Note: These are not vanilla files. There is a gang_saints variant of the Mag
in the suv_4dr_luxury01.xtbl. So if you are using a different customized Mag
back your cvtf file up before using this one. Also, you may need to start
a new game if you have a Mag saved in your garage already, else it might
crash your game.

Mag Mirrors Option.png


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