All CDs Moved To One Location

After a few playthroughs of any game it's bound to get a little
stale having to repeat certain steps over and over again. Such as
collecting CDs.

So this little mod just puts them all in one place. Aisha's House
next to the TV.

Note: If you are using Gentlemen Of The Row you should have access to
Aisha's Safehouse, If Not then use the 'Slap That Ass' Taunt And Flashbangs

courtesy MrSaintsGodzilla21

To make your own locations just use a coordinates program and notepad.
Pay attention to any '-' signs in your coordinates and remember periods
not commas.

The document explains itself so if you do decide to change he locations
have fun.

Here is a Template Entry:

$Navpoint: "cds_sr2_city_01"
$Type: "ground"
$Pos: <426.3448 23.98-2027.1966>
$Orient: 0.0

Drop the edited file in the '1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE' directory also located in
Gentlemen Of The Row/optional_mod_stuff and compile it. Drop your compiled files in your Saints Row 2
folder and start a new game.

Note: This Little Mod shouldn't effect anything in your game except the CD
locations so it should be safe to use at any point, however
you might wish to start a new game if you are concerned..


  • All Cds Moved To One
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