Altering the regions covered by clothing textures

Hi, all; getting back into trying to do some modding after a while (excited for the alpha SDK being available!) and have what I hope is an easy question: is it possible to alter the regions that the "painted on" portion of a clothing item covers just by editing the texture, or is there some other flag in the xtbls or (god help me) in the hex that would need to be changed?

As an example, while I like the Wild Child stockings it drives me utterly nuts that they only go to the mid-calf (same with the Steampunk Chic and the Skirt with Leggings); could I just, say, boost the stockings texture from the Shorts with Stockings or the Fancy Fishnets and paste that into the texture file over the existing stockings and have that texture run down to the ankle properly as is without doing anything other than repacking the files? Similarly, is it possible to paint a texture that would extend down from the Three-Count Top onto the stomach or to fill in the area between the straps on a bra to get a covered/collar effect?

Final bonus questions:

1) Was the alpha/clipping thing with the Steampunk Chic ever fixed? Where you can see the rear leg through the front leg at certain angles?

2) Is it possible to force clothes with accessories to always load the version without accessories? It would be nice to have the cowgirl chaps (forget the real name) without the holsters without having to wear certain jackets, as an example.