Anybody need 100%?

Hey guys, i was wondering about anyone did need 100% complete?
I maybe put up a tutorial + download later ;)
What u guys say?
Have my own.
might need a 100% savegame, if you havent enabled all upgrades (no damage, no bullet damage, no fire damage etc...)
Got my own... the hard part wasn't 90% of the stuff (not even the zombie clearout) but it was that thrice-damned trailblazing mission. The cyberspace one (thrice damned because there's three levels). I came really darn close on the escorts too, but unlike SR2 I actually found them easier than the trailblazing. Must be because I apparently can't drive a bike in a curving halfpipe without it going up the wall, ending up stuck, and having to back up or get turned around)

I applaud anyone who can get the third one consistently, that one stuck me the whole time.
I had no trouble on the cyberspace ones, I just use the keyboard and mouse to control.
Got my own... the hard part wasn't 90% of the stuff (not even the zombie clearout) but it was that thrice-damned trailblazing mission. The cyberspace one (thrice damned because there's three levels). I came really darn close on the escorts too, but unlike SR2 I actually found them easier than the trailblazing. Must be because I apparently can't drive a bike in a curving halfpipe without it going up the wall, ending up stuck, and having to back up or get turned around)

I applaud anyone who can get the third one consistently, that one stuck me the whole time.
Haha. I had this same, damned, problem.

The first two was alright, but it was the third mission that got me contemplating suicide. It was even more annoying because the very first time that I reached the finish line, the clock simultaneously ran out. Of course, the game decided that I didn't win.

I gave up on it for a while, and only came back a week after. What do you know, after a few dozen attempts, I finished it. I couldn't even believe it, because it became very repetitive that I didn't bother paying attention to my progress anymore. Just dodge this and dodge that. I hit the finish line and was surprised when I heard the mission success tune. It was glorifying.

Right now I'm at 97%. Haven't played in a while, I just need to finish the rest of the vehicle theft missions.
I do have 1 run through at 100%, but that still has a lot of side stuff not done. Barnstorming, jumps, etc...
Oooh, yes, it never occured to me to find all of the untracked diversions. Would your 100% complete tutorial include a map of all the barnstorming/jumps? I know some of them are only possible during certain times, like you need the city in lockdown to get some bridges up to jump over...

If so suddenly I'd love to see a thing on where all the jumps are...
I still have a SHITLOAD of places to buy and the Zimos based activities left.
Snatch and escort are just so darn boring, trafficking too.