Anyone else play at e3?

hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster:

I played AoM at e3, but i didn't notice any other threads from other people who did. I'd love to talk about the experience with other guys and gals that got to play it to see if they felt the same way.

Quick impressions:

•world and effects looked super pretty
•animations were a mixed bag of good, ok, and bad
•tons of stuff to unlock/level up
•no real need to switch characters except for the boss fight (you needed to use different agents to breakthrough different shields)
•the game was crazy unfunny - there was straight up "Uranus" jokes because the mission was set in a planetarium
•the game is begging for coop and modding that in needs to be our first priority
Quick impressions:

•world and effects looked super pretty
•animations were a mixed bag of good, ok, and bad
•tons of stuff to unlock/level up
•no real need to switch characters except for the boss fight (you needed to use different agents to breakthrough different shields)
•the game was crazy unfunny - there was straight up "Uranus" jokes because the mission was set in a planetarium
•the game is begging for coop and modding that in needs to be our first priority
How big was the world? On the order of SR2 (biggest) or SR3 (smallest) or somewhere in between, like SR1?
Which animations did you consider good/bad. The main character animations seem rather gorgeous from the previews. Do you mean pedestrians?

In regards to character swapping, I am guessing that is because it was on an easy no die mode in the previews.
Good point re:difficulty, I don't know what it was set to.

The worst animation that sticks in my mind was Pierces melee attack. it was like a weird backhand thing
Josh on the Volition stream confirmed that god mode was turned on for the demo. I believe the max difficulty unlocked was also 6 (it goes up to like 15?)