I've seen mods for this in other threads but all of them either come with other modded weapons i don't want and or infinite/regenerating ammo.
Sorry for the trouble but could anyone make this for me?
I just couldn't figure out .xtbl stuff and i don't want to install any other mods with something like this included, i just want an automatic AR-55 without infinite/regenerating magazine or ammo.
Thanks in advance.
You want to find the weapon in the weapons.xtbl and change the Trigger Type to automatic
The Gibbed Tools are LEAGUES too complicated for a simpleton such as myself.
Is there any easy way to find this 'weapons.xtbl' file?
If not is there any page that explains it in such a way that you don't have to be a complete computer genius to understand it because that page makes no sense to me and leaves out a lot of stuff i need to know such as which file to open with the tools to find the file and what i even do with it/where to place it etc.
I found the 'weapons.xtbl' file in the misc_tables archive. I changed the trigger type to automatic as NopeD suggested. Give it a try.


  • weapons.xtbl
    513.9 KB · Views: 716
Thank you so much!
Sorry, i'm really new to SRTT modding, all i usually do is slap mod files into the root folder but this is the first time I've actually edited code and whatnot.
The upcoming tutorials for the SDK are much more user friendly and go step by step.
Now another problem arises, ever since i installed that file, whenever i cut back to the desktop without closing the game, it instantly crashes every time.
Any explanation as to why this is?

EDIT: It seems to be working fine now ever since i closed the folder where i keep my mods for some reason, false alarm!

EDITED EDIT: It actually still crashes when i skip the opening Volition screen with the enter button (skipping it with the PS3 controller works fine) and it also crashes when i cut to the desktop while i have the modded AR-55 equipped but i can learn to live with it though.
Strange, I've never encountered that and my weapons.xtbl, among other things, is heavily modded (swapped damage+ROF profiles of the AR and the AK, etc). Do you have any other mods installed? If not, have you tried verifying your cache?

Your game sounds like it's loading the file just fine so I have some doubts it's that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though.