[V] IdolNinja
Volition Staff
Many missions use a function that attaches fx to a part of the player's body. For example, in m24 Gangstas in Space, it is called when a homie dies and attaches a blood fx to their head as if they got sniped:
In deckers.die we have this:
I have been able to successfully duplicate these fx for the player at will using Sandbox+ to call this function in the mission itself, but not in the open world. This seems to indicate that the actual fx that is being referenced in misc_tables.vpp_pc/effects.xtbl is part of the mission files and being loaded that way.
So, my question is: How do I preload the fx files that are referenced in effects.xtbl so that I can proc them in the open world using that function?
In case you're curious, I want to be able to attach fire fx to the player's head so that I can run around as Ghost Rider while wearing the skull mask.
effect_play_on_human( "Effect BloodHit", homie, "Head" )
In deckers.die we have this:
m16_vfx_spawn = "Vfx Cyberspace Spawn"
effect_play_on_human(m16_vfx_spawn, LOCAL_PLAYER)
I have been able to successfully duplicate these fx for the player at will using Sandbox+ to call this function in the mission itself, but not in the open world. This seems to indicate that the actual fx that is being referenced in misc_tables.vpp_pc/effects.xtbl is part of the mission files and being loaded that way.
So, my question is: How do I preload the fx files that are referenced in effects.xtbl so that I can proc them in the open world using that function?
In case you're curious, I want to be able to attach fire fx to the player's head so that I can run around as Ghost Rider while wearing the skull mask.