Australian Online Mode?

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So, i guess Australians are unable to play with people outside of their region, why is this? I mean like come on should be a different alternative.... Maybe a possible mod to go around it...? (Not asking for an actual mod, just curious if its possible to make something like this?, dont want break any laws here)
It'll be completely different version of the game, so like hte PS3, 360 and PC version can't play or share character file together.
This is where your wrong sadly, a buddy of mine (australian) Pre-loaded the game from an Australian IP with the files and everything and then joined his American friend on an American IP, this means its nothing to do with the game but maybe something with Steam. It's all about IP location, this is what decides whom you will be able to play, thus, a mod is therefore possible in by-passing this authenticator of some sort<----My Theory :D
While I understand Australian frustration over this decision, we are not going to allow mods that circumvent the law. Locking thread.
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