Automatic Pistols?

as the title says, my question is, is there a way to make pistols automatic. i love to use them (not the police ones)

but smashing my mouse button every time as fast as possible kinda gets to mutch.

if i remember correctly i had it before but cant seem to find it, only thing i end up with everytime is the automatic AR

thx in advance and sry for my poor english

Edit: the 45 shepherd
Edit2: i found some of it in weapons.xtbl. but for the magnum and the glock putting <Trigger_Type> to automatic does not seem to do it :(
You're looking at a wrong weapon, Chopperdog. .45 Shepherd is called "Pistol-Gang" and its defined in line #28 of weapons.xtbl. Change its "<Trigger_Type>single</Trigger_Type>" to "<Trigger_Type>automatic</Trigger_Type>" and you should be ready to go!