BenBRockN's Gold Tweaks (BGT) for SR-IV, UPDATED 21-Jul-14

Version 4 is the ultimate set of tweaks, it combines everything that I have done so far. This will probably be the last update... maybe...

Version 4 (tweak_table.xtbl):
  • Abduction gun upgrade - bigger radius, the "zone" lasts longer, & vehicles are picked up quicker
  • Black-hole launcher's black holes have a bigger attraction radius
  • Blast/Buff/Stomp/Telekinesis powers recharge instantly or at least much faster
  • Enemies and vehicles stay frozen for longer using Blast or Buff
  • Max number of glitchy targets (from using Blast-Glitch) increase to 8
  • There is a greater chance that enemies (once attacked) will receive elemental damage
  • Homies have a greater chance of dealing elemental damage to enemies
  • Fire Buff stays on longer
  • Cache (cash) payout happens every 5 minutes instead of every 15 minutes
  • Death from Above has been upgraded to where the player will easily do the MAX DfA (not nuke)
  • Death from Above nuke has been disabled (unless you somehow go 99999 meters skyward)
  • Dubstep Gun "dance party" radius is extended for pedestrians
  • The Garage repairs all vehicles for free just by driving in (as long as it has <99% damage)
  • The player glides faster
  • Golden CID now travels at a baby crawl
    slow cid.png

    (Myself standing next to the CID at its max speed)
  • Health pickups are attracted faster, in a larger radius, and are worth slightly more
  • Homies now have a 10% chance of flinching
  • Simulation rift glitchiness is extended
  • Vehicles thrown at each other using Telekinesis are now less likely to explode
  • The world glitches have been diminished (not totally disabled yet, sorry)
  • When using nitrous and running into other cars, those cars are less likely to explode
  • Super power recharge times/delays are now pretty much instantaneous
  • Increased abduction height (Skyward) for humans
  • Abduction gun radius reduced to 7 (10 was a little much, kept sucking up the player)
  • Abduction gun vehicle gravity factor increased from 1.0 to 1.2 (after much testing, 1.2 was a lot better, allowing vehicles to achieve maximum height without de-spawning in air)
    SRIV - Abgun2_srm.png

  • Shrink-Stomp & Gravity-Stomp lasts for 60 seconds now
  • Glitch-Blast lasts for 105 seconds now (1 min 45 secs)
  • Shrink-Stomp now grows enemies by a factor of 3
    SRIV - Shrink_srm.png

Version 4 (weapons.xtbl & store_weapons.xtbl):
  • Upgraded Stungun (automatic firing, higher mag capacity, more damage, less recoil, less refire delay, put in pistols category)
  • Upgraded Sniper Rifle (automatic, higher mag, less recoil, less refire delay, put in SMGs category)
  • Upgraded Pump-Action Shotgun (automatic, higher mag, less recoil, less refire delay)
  • Upgraded Ultimate Sirkanugo's Disintegrator Rifle (higher mag, less recoil, less refire delay)
  • Upgraded batuace's Iron Suit Blaster (automatic, higher projectile mass, less recoil, less refire delay)
  • The store_weapons.xtbl has not been changed from batuace, it is there only if you do not already have the Iron Suit Blaster

(auto stungun)


(auto sniper)


(stungun and sniper rifle moved, also Iron Suit Blaster is seen)

>>>For anyone wanting to know how to move weapons to different inventory slots<<<
<Flag>brass during reload only</Flag>
<Flag>allow offhand grenade</Flag>
<Flag>do not hide when sprinting</Flag>
<npc_refire_type>2. Scale up in groups</npc_refire_type>
<Ammo>Bullet Shotgun</Ammo>

Above is the basic code for a weapon, in this case, the pump-action shotgun.

There are 4 lines of code you need to change in order to do this (seen above in bold red).

If you want to change any weapon into a different inventory slot, change the red items to these:
  • melee
  • pistol
  • smg
  • shotgun
  • rifle
  • special
You can change how your weapon shoots too using <Trigger_Type>:
  • single
  • automatic
  • charge release (I haven't tested this one)
For the "automatic" setting, you can choose the <Refire_Delay> which can make the weapon shoot as fast or as slow as you want. For instance, if you want a weapon to be automatic but shoot as slow as a charging weapon, set the delay higher like 500 or up. If you want it to rapid-fire, set it lower like 10. This completely depends on the weapon. For this shotgun I used 500 as that seemed good, but for the stungun I used 200.

Version 4 (notoriety.xtbl, notoriety_levels.xtbl, notoriety_spawn.xtbl, notoriety_teleportal.xtbl, notoriety_teleportal_group.xtbl):
  • With a template set up by yorpie's No Marauders or Murderbots Mod, I was able to do the following
    (These are applied only from ACT 3 to after beating the game):

  • No more Wardens (you will never reach notoriety level 6)
  • No more Marauders (rolly balls) or Murderbots
  • No more teleportals
  • Level 1 -> 2 Security Guards in a Bootlegger
  • Level 2 -> 2 cops/2 peds in a 4 door cop car & 2 cops on Police bikes
  • Level 3 -> 4 cops in a 4 door cop car & Nightblade in his variant Pacemaker as NPC backup
  • Level 4 -> 4 SWAT cops in a 4 door cop car, 4 SWAT cops in a BEAR, & Saints Lin in a Raycaster as NPC backup
  • Level 5 -> 3 1950's cop cars (1 50's Nat Guard driving + 3 50's cops), 1 Semi-truck driven by 50's Nat Guard + 1 50's cop, & a grandma driving an Eiswolf with Morningstar female and Professor Genki Mascot as backup
    (the whole 1950's thing was me trying to get a matrix/terminator feel without the murderbots)

(1950's cops - Level 5 notoriety)


(This is a BEAR by the way, I found it in the game files while searching for cool vehicles to spawn)

Different types of vehicles that I've used (used with notoriety_spawn.xtbl)
>>>Does Load<<<

bike_broomstick01 - (Harry Potter Flying Broomstick)

bike_jet01 - SPECTOR (Unused STAG Hovercraft)

bike_jet04 - XOR Hovercraft

bike_rocket02 - Police Kenshin

car_2dr_exoticsports02 - Police Peacemaker

car_2dr_muscle02 - Bootlegger

car_2dr_muscle04 - Phoenix

car_2dr_muscle05 - Lightning (Unused 1950's Car)

car_2dr_sports03 - Raycaster

car_4dr_luxury04 - Eiswolf (Like a BMW)

car_4dr_Nyte01 - NyteBlade's Car (Variant Pacemaker)

car_4dr_police02 - Police Pacemaker

car_4dr_standard04 - Police Gunslinger (1950's Car)

sp_apc01 - Bear (SWAT APC) !!!

sp_atv01 - Regular ATV

sp_cart01 - Regular Golf cart

sp_crib_ship - Variant Police Peacemaker

sp_crib_ship_m07 - Same as above ^

sp_pony_cart01 - Rickshaw (driver=pull cart)

sp_trike01 - Regular Pulse

sp_vtol_eagle - REALLY AWESOME FUTURISTIC JET (Screaming Eagle) [Couldn't save it in my inventory :( ]


sp_vtol01_saints - REALLY AWESOME FUTURISTIC JET (Purple Saints VTOL)

truck_2dr_armored01 - Titan (Bank Armored Car)

truck_2dr_pickup02 - Varsity

truck_2dr_semi01 - Semi-Truck

van_2dr_riot02_1 - SWAT Riot Van

>>>Doesn't Load<<<

boat_XXXX - ????? Doesn't Load (any type)

sp_key - ????? Doesn't Load

sp_stargate - ????? Doesn't Load

Different types of people that I've used (used with notoriety_spawn.xtbl)
>>>Does Load<<<

npc_alien_grunt01 - Zin (Enemy)

npc_cop - Cop (Enemy)

npc_cop_1950s - 1950's Cop (Enemy)

npc_cop_50s_NatGuard (Enemy)

npc_cop_security02_mb (Enemy)

npc_cop_SWAT01_mw - SWAT Cop (Enemy)

npc_Player_EvilFemale (Enemy, not red)

npc_Player_EvilMale (Enemy, not red)

npc_security (Enemy, not red)

npc_ped_old01_fw - Grandma (Neutral)

npc_ped_stripper03_fh - Stripper Devil (Neutral)

npc_ped_stripper04_fa - Stripper Angel (Neutral)

npc_ped_roadcrew01_mw - Road crew (Neutral)

npc_ped_bizwoman04_fa - Business woman (Neutral)

npc_ped_reporter_fw2 - News reporter (Neutral)

saints_female_lin - Lin (Homie)

npc_s_mstar_female_sol14 - Morningstar Female Soldier (Homie)

npc_s_ped_mascot12 - Genki Mascot (Homie)

npc_sexykitten - Sexy Kitten (Homie)

npc_Nightblade - Nightblade (Homie) [works better than npc_Josh_nightblade]

Installation: Just put whichever (or all) xtbl files into your root folder
(usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Saints Row IV)

***Make sure you backup any xtbl files that have the same name as the ones in the zip!!***

A comprehensive list of all changes are listed in the README file (I didn't want a really long post here)


Thanks to all the other modders who paved the way/inspired me to add these extras!!


Things I want to do but was unsuccessful:
  • Create an automatic baseball bat (not even sure what that would look like, but why not?)
  • Get those stupid building glitches fixed using the tweak_table.xtbl
  • Any other suggestions??

UPDATE - 22 July 2014: YouTube preview. The quality is not good because I was using Fraps and it ate up all of my RAM. In the video you can see that the Golden CID got stuck and my baseball bat didn't want to work (again because of low RAM).



  • BGT - v4 (no nuke).zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 1,872
  • BGT - v4 (Nuke).zip
    1.7 MB · Views: 2,054
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hate to be off topic but Why no nuke? I've seen several mods getting rid of the nuke, I'm curious why you want to get rid of it :)
i want this mod with NUKE please.... :)

Once you download it, open up the Readme file and you will see what I edited in the tweak file (here is the Readme file text: )

Line #__Data Name_________________________Value (Old)___Value (New)

Open up the tweak file in a compatible editor (I used Notepad++), find line 0939, and edit the value to whatever you want. Making it the old value will bring back the Nuke.