Better Clothing Customization Patch for GOTR

This mod Adds in More clothing to different stores, fixes some of the MISC, Clothing items. Adds In or Changes some outfits. Its not as ambitious as Made 2 Measure mod by -SeaboundSaint- but this is for anyone who still prefers a more vanillish clothing system while improving on the current clothing system.
Duke Nukem Flex.png

Update 1.1

Added to stores

EMT patch Left
EMT patch Right
Pilot Hat Stuff
Pilot Shirt Stuff
Pilot Coat Stuff
Work Shirt
Richie's shirt
NPC Only Safety Vest
Traffic cone
Zombie Mask
New Outfits

Added more clothing items to different stores
Moved a few Outfits to different Stores
Men's Denim Jacket 1 (Added Logo option)
Lab Coat (Added Logo option)
Javier Bluetooth headset (added Color option)
Staff Badge on Coat (added Color option)
Cop rank 3 (Moved to MISC 2)
knee Pads for Swat only (Moved to MISC 2)
Some Outfits were changed around to closely match what the NPCs are wearing
Added pricing and respect for GOTR outfits
Added wear options for women's hair chopsticks 1 to compensate for Chopsticks 2 and 3, freeing up memory.

Clothing stores had been upgraded with more clothes to choose from.

List of outfits I've created and added to the following stores.

Sloppy Seconds

-The Duke
-Video Repair


-Max Force
-Hit Man

Nobody Love's Me


Lets Pretend

-Beat Cop
-Prison Gaurd
-Fire Fighter Outfit
-Pilot Captian
-Ronin Outfit
-Brotherhood Outfit
-Sons Of Samedi Outfit
-Saints Bodyguard
-One Man Army

Untitled 2.pngUntitled 8.pngUntitled 4.pngUntitled 5.pngUntitled 6.pngUntitled 7.pngUntitled 9.pngUntitled 10.pngUntitled 11.pngUntitled 17.pngUntitled 12.pngUntitled 13.pngUntitled 14.pngUntitled 18.png

Using this patch with Your current existing game may crash "Recommend start New Game"
I had to change out a few items such as Sunshine's bullet holes 1 & 2, Frecle Bitch Bowties, Matt's burnt hand and Women's hair Chopsticks 2 and 3 to make way for the said items I've added due to memory issues. I can't say they're much of a loss anyways.
I stuffed as much new outfits as much as the game's memory could allow, without replacing some of the ones that were included with GOTR.
If your using Skylion's Super Sliders, NPC Only Safety Vest could clip through the jumpsuit from the back. Slight clipping also occurs with the right EMT patch as well.

Max Force and Hit Man are both characters from an 1988 arcade game NARC by Williams.

If your using Helmets and Balaclava Masks for SWAT mod by ImpulseOfSword2007 which I personally use, then use the optional patch that will change the Swat and Masako Outfits in Lets pretend store as well.

Just drop the file in "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE" folder.

[V] IdolNinja (RIP) for the Gentlemen of the Row mod.
-SeaboundSaint- for the Customization Items Guide which Helped me out.
ImpulseOfSword2007 for Helmets and Balaclava Masks for SWAT which I used as reference to match the outfits in lets pretend, AKA Optional Patch.


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Update 1.1

Added wear options for women's hair chopsticks 1 to compensate for Chopsticks 2 and 3, freed up memory.
Added back in stewardess wings.
Added more clothes in stores to choose from.
Rearranged Outfits selection in lets pretend store
Added Purchasable Fire Fighter Outfit "Forgot to add it in the store" :P

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