Basically I wanted to know if anyone could make the two yellow weapons (Called Akimbo Repeaters) and put them in SR3. If you need any specifics I might be able to get the script and other such to you.
We haven't figured out the model format, so no adding models to the game. Sorry.
Maybe once (if? I'm hoping when still, I'm an optimist!) it's fully reverse-engineered so models/texture maps can be added to the game it could be done. As it stands though sorry, the closest you're gonna get is the Decker's "tank".
Lol. Damn. I can see that would be the sort of insane vehicle I 'd use in the game. Two farking mini guns and a 50 cal machine gun? Or is that a rocket launcher tube? Muahaha.
One homey up top operating that, .. damn.
I'll trade my 3 homey in the Bulldog in fast for one of those.
Hahaaha. Damn.
Great idea.
That looks like some insane lego project that got loose.
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