Blurry character when close view...

I have recently bought a new pc (based on BF4 maximum settings)
Now for me everithing is new, so i reinstalled sr3 that now run soooo mooth on d11: but there is what the title says.
I think is caused by one of the settings but before messing with them i wanted to ask if someone can give me an hint: look at the screen below for example

While in this one she look normal:
That is Depth of Field.

Go to the SR:TT folder in Steam and edit the Display.ini file.

Look inside it for Depth of Field and set it to false.
I don't have the folder here in front of me, so I can't tell you exactly what to look for, but it's in there, so search around if you can't find it.
Nope, my display.ini have no depth of field settings, bu i searched the net and on steam forums i found an answer: setting lighting effects to low will deactivate depth of field, tried and it worked.
But why there is no depth of field option in mi display.ini? i'm the only one?