Brand new, and with a question....

Greetings all:

As said, I am brand new to SRTT, just installed the game, was prepping to add some mods... and there I got a problem:
Downloaded: Prototype crusader and Spec Ops Upgrade (and a few more, but...)
Problem: when installing the mods; overwrite Weapons.XTBL?

Now, I noticed, some mods have usage over same-named files, how do I handle this?
IMHO: overwriting the previous would 'undo' it's mod statistics?

Thank you.
You would need to use winmerge to compare the original files to each modded one then merge them together.
Oh, cool, thank you very much!
And this works for all files?

Do I need specific plugins?

Have it working, thank you. :)
Greetings again.

I ran into a snag, seems that WinMerge adds huge grey fields, what are these, and what can I do about this, please?

Thank you.
It doesn't add blank space. It's simply showing that there is no matching text in the file on the right side. i.e. The text on the left is NEW and not part of the right file.
Unfortunately, given that it is unable to line up the two files properly, i don't think it'll be an easy task to identify the differences. You can see a long section of orange on the left, then a long section of orange on the right, which means it has two big parts of each file that it couldn't line up with the other file.
You're right. The all orange text is because someone used different methods on each file to do indents and formatting. Open up both files in Notepad++ with the XML Tools Plugin installed and use the XML Pretty Print Line Break option on both then save them. Winmerge should be be able to correctly identify differences then.
@ Idolninja: Well yes, since I am changing/adding stuff from different files into the first panel.
I want to run multiple mods, and more use the same silly file...
So, I add the changes from the right into the left one. :)

@ Corodas: This means... no solution? O_O