Broken Items, Missing Textures, Etc.

making this thread for anyone who comes across an item in the game that has missing textures, a transparency layer missing, or something that clipping through when it shouldnt.

heres mine the steam-punk maiden corset should have a transparency on the cuffs according to the texture file, but the game shows the layer is turned off.

2 files:
1 is the texture opened in photoshop showing the alpha layer
1 is in game shot showing spot where transparency should happen
maiden corset.jpg
maiden corset.jpg 2013-09-05_00001.jpg
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Did the top "cover your nips" customization get broken? It used to work, it doesn't for me (I don't know how long its been like this). I've removed all my mods to check if it was the mods and its still doesn't have the customization option when purchasing.
If you're posting bugs about broken items/ missing textures, etc. please include a screenshot or two highlighting the exact errors you're seeing.
yeah that definitely is a huge mesh issue. are you using any mods or is that a standard body? that might be able to be fixed by changing some of the code in the customization_item.xtbl

ok not sure if this will work but u can try this: in the customization_item.xtbl file find this string
<Customization_Item><Name>cm_suit_f_goth</Name><DisplayName>cm_suit_f_goth</DisplayName><Wear_Options><Wear_Option><Name>CUST_WEAR_NORMAL</Name><disabled>no</disabled><Active_Flags></Active_Flags><Required_Flags></Required_Flags><Incompatible_Flags></Incompatible_Flags><Particle_Systems></Particle_Systems><Mesh_Information><Male_Mesh_Filename><Filename>cm_suit_f_goth.cmeshx</Filename></Male_Mesh_Filename><Cutscene_Only>no</Cutscene_Only><Obscured_slots><Obscured_slot><Slot>bra</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>left wrist</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>right wrist</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>lower body</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>privacy bar bottom</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>privacy bar top</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>right wrist</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>shoes</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>underwear</Slot></Obscured_slot><Obscured_slot><Slot>upper body</Slot></Obscured_slot></Obscured_slots><VID_List>0</VID_List><Female_Mesh_Filename><Filename>cf_suit_f_goth.cmeshx</Filename></Female_Mesh_Filename><Obscured_VIDs><Obscured_VID><VID>4</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>5</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>7</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>8</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>9</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>10</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>17</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>18</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>19</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>20</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>21</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>28</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>29</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>30</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>38</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>39</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>40</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>41</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>42</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>47</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>48</VID></Obscured_VID><Obscured_VID><VID>49</VID></Obscured_VID></Obscured_VIDs><Breast_Dampening>0.75</Breast_Dampening></Mesh_Information></Wear_Option></Wear_Options><_Editor><Category>Entries</Category></_Editor><Flags></Flags><Slot>suit</Slot><Base_Price>250</Base_Price><Base_Respect_Bonus>25</Base_Respect_Bonus><ui_gender>omni</ui_gender><Multi_Slot><First_Slot>upper body</First_Slot><Last_Slot>right wrist</Last_Slot></Multi_Slot><Variants><Variant><Name>CUST_VARIANT_01_DEFAULT</Name><Price>0</Price><Respect_Bonus>0</Respect_Bonus><Mesh_Variant_Info><Variant_Name>default</Variant_Name><VariantID>1</VariantID><Material_List><Material_Element><Material>default</Material><Shader_Type>ir_sr3pccloth</Shader_Type></Material_Element></Material_List></Mesh_Variant_Info></Variant></Variants><Default_Colors_Grid><Default_Color><Clothing_Color>greys8</Clothing_Color></Default_Color><Default_Color><Clothing_Color>greys5</Clothing_Color></Default_Color><Default_Color><Clothing_Color>greys1</Clothing_Color></Default_Color></Default_Colors_Grid></Customization_Item>

no where its says obscured_VID is the commands to hide body parts, according to a guide number 16 should be pelvis front and back. (at least for sr3 im guessing its the same for sr4)
its not there so we have to add it in, find number 17 and add this before it:

then save and open sr4. i hope that fixes it, if it doesnt then its definitely something that has to fixed by the staff.
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yeah that definitely is a huge mesh issue. are you using any mods or is that a standard body?
Yeah of course. In my case, none that modify the shape of the body.
Why did you ask ? You've seen my post in my mod topic, no ? :p
Yeah of course. In my case, none that modify the shape of the body.
Why did you ask ? You've seen my post in my mod topic, no ? :p

yeah just checking to see if it wasnt a body shape mod issue, check my other post i edited it. im guessing you already have a customiztion_item.xtbl in ur sr4 root folder.

Edit im guessing that goth outfit is a suit in the programming im not sure
Yes, I've my modded customiztion_item.xtbl in the root folder, but nothing has been edit from the original for the Goth Outfit.
I've compared with customiztion_item.xtbl from SR3 to see if it has a difference with the one from SR4, but it's exactly the same, so I believe that the problem can't be from the xtbl file.

And even without that. Given that there is clipping issue at the thighs, if the slot is removed, there will be nothing.
I'm sure, the issue doesn't come from the xtbl file, it's a mesh issue.
The Gothic Couture also hides the character's feet, it looks like its shoes are worn by an invisible ghost o_O
There's a lot of bugged/messed up suits, like the EVA (I had posted about it but got no answer), here:

(I've highlighted where the suit rips through armor padding - wrong displacement/bump value? Just a thought).