camera mod for inside

Im using a great camera mod that centers my character when Im outside (downloaded from this awesome website, but I dont remember what thread it was in or who the creator is) but when Im inside my view goes to the game default, and you cant see my characters legs - is there a similar mod that keeps the "centered" view when youre in a building/cribs etc?
I have a copy of Steve's Camera Mod I found on another site, which sadly is gone now.

I'll post a copy of it in mods section along with my zipped version of a edited one I made.

It might be what your looking for.
I tweaked it (as I recall) to have a slighlty wider FOV and more important to me was to move the aimpoint
directly over my characters head when using guns so the reticle is lower than default.
I had made some other changes not all I recaall now.
I think one was to move the POV out so I could see more hot leg action too.

Hopefully Idol can eyeball and incorporate in the pack.
It isn't too rough to figure out what to edit in the xtbls once you compare them and fix it up how you like.