Can't add new tattoos. Must be missing important step.

Hi! I've been trying to add new stuff to Rusty's Needle with mixed results. Here's what I've done so far:

Stage One.
tattoo_face_8.str2_pc and tattoo_face_16.str2_pc actually contain the same tattoo, a fish.
There's a corresponding entry in customization_compositing.xtbl for tattoo_face_8 but there is none for 16.
So I've duplicated an entry for 8 and replaced <Name>tattoo_face_8</Name> with <Name>tattoo_face_16</Name>
Then I've replaced the texture in 8 and left 16 untouched.
Bingo! I have both a fish and a new tattoo.

Stage Two.
There's no tattoo_face_3.str2_pc in the default customize_player.vpp_pc (tattoo_face_# jumps from 2 to 4).
So I've unpacked tattoo_face_2.str2_pc, renamed the resulting folder from tattoo_face_2 to tattoo_face_3 and packed stuff back, thus obtaining tattoo_face_3.str2_pc.
Then I've duplicated an entry in customization_compositing.xtbl for tattoo_face_2 and replaced <Name>tattoo_face_2</Name> with <Name>tattoo_face_3</Name>.
The only change I've made so far was renaming the .str2_pc, so expected result was to make a second tears tattoo (tattoo_face_2 is tears tattoo).
Actual result: and option in Rusty's Needle for second tears tattoo does appear. But the texture does not load. When I highlight the new option, face tattoo stays whatever it was before. The same thing happened when I screwed up customize_player.asm_pc update process when replacing vanilla tattoos with ones made by me. But now I did not, I've double checked everything related to getting new files into the game.
The game does not recognize tattoo_face_3 as a valid <Name> value, it seems. Although, it does recognize tattoo_face_16, which has been present but unused by default.
Probably, I have to add entries to some table files to tell the game that tattoo_face_3 is added. But I have no idea where.
Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
2011-12-15_00001.jpg Test mod i added a new tattoo. Warning i use the CJK_Nude_1.2.1_shaved mod so the customize_player.asm_pc contains the mod data.
I'm based on the chest eagle tattoo i just make a duplicate entry and edited the name to tattoo_chest_test. I do the same thing into the asm_pc file (asm to xml and xml to asm) and update the asm.


  • customization_compositing.xtbl
    197.4 KB · Views: 787
  • customize_player.asm_pc
    36.6 KB · Views: 660
  • tattoo_chest_test.str2_pc
    23.9 KB · Views: 675